Trotsky's History of the Russian Revolution
An outline of the key developments of 1917
Friday, 23 December 2016
The History of the Russian Revolution - a Summary
"The serious reader will not want a treacherous impartiality ... but a scientific conscientiousness, which for its sympathies and an...
Section One - The Overthrow of Czarism
References Numbered quotes are listed against each chapter of Volume One of Trotsky’s History of the Russian Revolution. Page numbers ref...
1) The Revolution and the Revolutionary Party
"Without a guiding organisation the energy of the masses would dissipate like steam not enclosed in a piston-box. But nevertheless w...
2) The Law of Combined Development
"In order to realise the Soviet state, there was required a drawing together and mutual penetration of two factors belonging to comp...
3) Three concepts of the Russian Revolution
"No one in the Marxist camp, and least of all Lenin, had regarded the peasantry as a factor of socialist development. Without the ai...
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4) 1905-1917: Downturn and Revival, War and Revolution
"The secret police department reports warned the government ministers that 'the most energetic and audacious element, ready for t...
5) The February Revolution: February 23rd – 27th 1917
“ The 23rd of February was International Women's Day. It had not occurred to anyone that it might become the first day of the revolut...
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